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[Abdominal mesothelioma] $17.16     ---医疗健康类 
[Asbestos and mesothelioma] $5.42
[Asbestos mesothelioma] $37.74
[Asbestos] $24.95
[Claims] $33.11
[Fibrosis] $14.50
[Lung cancer] $5.34
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[Malignant pleural mesothelioma] $40.45
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[mesothelioma symptoms] $47.28
[mesothelioma treatment] $56.03
[mesothelioma] $55.85
[mesothelium] $12.81
[Pericardial mesothelioma] $9.60
[Peritoneal mesothelioma] $48.95
[Pleural mesothelioma] $54.03
[Prevention] $7.54
[What is mesothelioma] $36.58

使用Google Adwords关键词广告须当心的7个问题


问题一. 缺乏关键词

当然,,我并不仅仅指关键词的数量。许多人使用他们最喜爱的关键词工具来对关键词进行调研,挑选出搜索频率最高的前10或20个关键词或短语,并籍由这些关键词来击败所有对手, 脱颖而出。也正是因为几乎所有人都在不遗余力地对这些关键词竞价,所以才会导致这些关键词如此热门。结果这些关键词亦水涨船高,竞价之高让人咂舌。其实完全有更好的途径,那就是选择几百个、最好是上千个有机会获得较高 排名的词语。

想想看,如果我们有将近两千个关键词,而且其中有大多数都能获得前8名(或搜索结果第一页)的好排名,那么较之于追逐那些竞价激烈且所费不赀的词语, 这些词语虽然竞价便宜,但却往往能为我们带来更多的访问流量。退一步说,就算我们手里只有几百个竞价较低的关键词,而且即使这些词中的每个词每天只能带给我们几个访客,加起来亦不是一笔小数目,你自已算算看吧!

问题二: 没有创建广告组


问题三: 缺乏反向关键词

这也是必须做的,而且非常容易。只需添加上-free (或其它任何不想让它随搜索同时出现的词),这样就避免了负担那些事实上对你的广告并不感兴趣的人点击你的广告而所造成的广告开支了。

问题四: 采用广义关键词



问题五: 未对广告内容进行测试和推敲


学会撰写有杀伤力的广告标题,不要害怕对广告内容进行测试和调整。此外,如果广告组点进率达不到要求,一定要坚决地删掉它 。别忘了,你已经有一个几百字的列表;它们可能要么不恰当,要么就是尚需对广告的标题和描述进行再加工。要测试,测试,再测试!

问题六: 未充分利用内容定向特色

这是一个较为棘手的问题。我们都知道,Google为了向其广告客户保证更为充足的点击量,不断地发挥其无穷智慧,寻找各种投放广告的途径。而问题在于,虽然我们花的是自个的钱,但却对形形色色的广告投放途径无从控制。尤其是想要在资金有限的情况下运作一个对广告受众群高度集中的活动,这个家伙可说是一个潜在的预算炸弹。它获得可观的点击量真是易如反掌,问题在于: 这些点击对我们而言是否有价值?以我的经验,广告的点击率虽然提高了,但点进率却往往出现大幅回落的现象。我猜想,对于那些畅销产品的大型广告活动,Google众多的广告投放途径可能有用武之地,但大多数情况下,我们还是要小心为妙。稍有不慎就可能让我们的钱付之东流水。内容定向广告则可以帮助我们有效降低广告开销。

问题七: 不具备一个重要的销售页面


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How to make more money

By wijoo
make money blogging
Rate: (14 Ratings)
Network and Internet marketing companies provide you many affordable offers, to help you earn more money.
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This article needs additional citations for verification.Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2008)

The factual accuracy of this article is disputed.Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page. (August 2008)
For other uses, see Money (disambiguation).
"Dinero" redirects here. For obsolete Spanish currency, see Spanish dinero. For the community in the United States, see Dinero, Texas.

Various denominations of currency, one form of money.
Money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts.[1] The main uses of money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value.[2] Some authors explicitly require money to be a standard of deferred payment.[3]
The term "price system" is sometimes used to refer to methods using commodity valuation or money accounting systems.
Money includes both currency, particularly the many circulating currencies with legal tender status, and various forms of financial deposit accounts, such as demand deposits, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit. In modern economies, currency is the smallest component of the money supply.
Money is not the same as value, the latter being the basic element in economics. Money is central to the study of economics and forms its most cogent link to finance. The absence of money causes a market economy to be inefficient because it requires a coincidence of wants between traders, and an agreement that these needs are of equal value, before a barter exchange can occur. The use of money is thought to encourage trade and the division of labour.
The word "money" is believed to originate from a temple of Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Rome's seven hills. In the ancient world Hera was often associated with money. The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of Ancient Rome was located.[4]. "Juno" etymology may derives from the Etruscan goddess Uni (which means "the one", "unique", "unit", "union", "united") and "Moneta" either from the Latin word "monere" (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word "moneres" (alone, unique).
1 Economic characteristics
1.1 Medium of exchange
1.2 Unit of account
1.3 Store of value
2 Market liquidity
3 Types of money
3.1 Commodity money
3.2 Representative money
3.3 Credit money
3.4 Fiat money
3.5 Money supply
3.6 Monetary policy
4 History of money
5 See also
6 References
7 External links

Economic characteristics
Money is generally considered to have the following characteristics, which are summed up in a rhyme found in older economics textbooks: "Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store." That is, money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value.[2][5][6]
There have been many historical arguments regarding the combination of money's functions, some arguing that they need more separation and that a single unit is insufficient to deal with them all. One of these arguments is that the role of money as a medium of exchange is in conflict with its role as a store of value: its role as a store of value requires holding it without spending, whereas its role as a medium of exchange requires it to circulate.[6] 'Financial capital' is a more general and inclusive term for all liquid instruments, whether or not they are a uniformly recognized tender.

Medium of exchange
Main article: Medium of exchange
Money is used as an intermediary for trade, in order to avoid the inefficiencies of a barter system, which are sometimes referred to as the 'double coincidence of wants problem'. Such usage is termed a medium of exchange.

Unit of account
Main article: Unit of account
A unit of account is a standard numerical unit of measurement of the market value of goods, services, and other transactions. Also known as a "measure" or "standard" of relative worth and deferred payment, a unit of account is a necessary prerequisite for the formulation of commercial agreements that involve debt.
Divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again.
Fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be perceived as equivalent to any other, which is why diamonds, works of art or real estate are not suitable as money.
A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. For instance, coins are often made with ridges around the edges, so that any removal of material from the coin (lowering its commodity value) will be easy to detect.

Store of value
Main article: Store of value
To act as a store of value, a commodity, a form of money, or financial capital must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved — and be predictably useful when it is so retrieved. Fiat currency like paper or electronic currency no longer backed by gold in most countries is not considered by some economists to be a store of value.

Market liquidity
Main article: Market liquidity
Liquidity describes how easily an item can be traded for another item, or into the common currency within an economy. Money is the most liquid asset because it is universally recognised and accepted as the common currency. In this way, money gives consumers the freedom to trade goods and services easily without having to barter.
Liquid financial instruments are easily tradable and have low transaction costs. There should be no — or minimal — spread between the prices to buy and sell the instrument being used as money.

Types of money
In economics, money is a broad term that refers to any instrument that can be used in the resolution of debt. However, different types of money have different economic strengths and liabilities. Theoretician Ludwig von Mises made that point in his book The Theory of Money and Credit, and he argued for the importance of distinguishing among three types of money: commodity money, fiat money, and credit money. Modern monetary theory also distinguishes among different types of money, using a categorization system that focuses on the liquidity of money.

Commodity money
Main article: Commodity money
Commodity money value comes from the commodity out of which it is made. The commodity itself constitutes the money, and the money is the commodity.[7] Examples of commodities that have been used as mediums of exchange include gold, silver, copper, rice, salt, peppercorns, large stones, decorated belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, candy, barley, etc. These items were sometimes used in a metric of perceived value in conjunction to one another, in various commodity valuation or Price System economies. Use of commodity money is similar to barter, but a commodity money provides a simple and automatic unit of account for the commodity which is being used as money.

Representative money
Main article: Representative money
Representative money is money that consists of token coins, other physical tokens such as certificates, and even non-physical "digital certificates" (authenticated digital transactions) that can be reliably exchanged for a fixed quantity of a commodity such as gold, silver or potentially water, oil or food. Representative money thus stands in direct and fixed relation to the commodity which backs it, while not itself being composed of that commodity.

Banknotes from all around the world donated by visitors to the British Museum, London.

Credit money
Main article: Credit money
Credit money is any claim against a physical or legal person that can be used for the purchase of goods and services.[7] Credit money differs from commodity and fiat money in two ways: It is not payable on demand (although in the case of fiat money, "demand payment" is a purely symbolic act since all that can be demanded is other types of fiat currency) and there is some element of risk that the real value upon fulfillment of the claim will not be equal to real value expected at the time of purchase.[7]
This risk comes about in two ways and affects both buyer and seller.
First it is a claim and the claimant may default (not pay). High levels of default have destructive supply side effects. If manufacturers and service providers do not receive payment for the goods they produce, they will not have the resources to buy the labor and materials needed to produce new goods and services. This reduces supply, increases prices and raises unemployment, possibly triggering a period of stagflation. In extreme cases, widespread defaults can cause a lack of confidence in lending institutions and lead to economic depression. For example, abuse of credit arrangements is considered one of the significant causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s.[8]
The second source of risk is time. Credit money is a promise of future payment. If the interest rate on the claim fails to compensate for the combined impact of the inflation (or deflation) rate and the time value of money, the seller will receive less real value than anticipated. If the interest rate on the claim overcompensates, the buyer will pay more than expected.
Over the last two centuries, credit money has steadily risen as the main source of money creation, progressively replacing first commodity and then representative money.[citation needed]
A particular problem with credit money is that its supply moves in line with the business cycle. When lenders are optimistic, notably when the debt level is low, they increase their lending activity which creates new money. This may also trigger inflation and bull markets. When creditors are pessimistic (for instance, when debt level is perceived as too high, or unwise lending activity in the past has resulted in situations where defaults are expected to follow), then creditors reduce their lending activity and money becomes "tight" or "illiquid." Bear markets, characterized by bankruptcies and market recessions, may follow.

Fiat money
Main article: Fiat money
Fiat money is any money whose value is determined by legal means, rather than the strict availability of goods and services which are named on the representative note.
Fiat money is created when a type of credit money (typically notes from a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve System in the U.S.) is declared by a government act (fiat) to be acceptable and officially-recognized payment for all debts, both public and private. Fiat money may thus be symbolic of a commodity or a government promise, though not a completely specified amount of either of these. Fiat money is thus not technically fungible or tradable directly for fixed quantities of anything, except more of the same government's fiat money. Fiat moneys usually trade against each other in value in an international market, as with other goods. An exception to this is when currencies are locked to each other, as explained below. Many but not all fiat moneys are accepted on the international market as having value. Those that are trade indirectly against any internationally available goods and services [7]. Thus the number of U.S. dollars or Japanese yen which are equivalent to each other, or to a gram of gold metal, are all market decisions which change from moment to moment on a daily basis. Occasionally, a country will peg the value of its fiat money to that of the fiat money of a larger economy: for example the Belize dollar trades in fixed proportion (at 2:1) to the U.S. dollar, so there is no floating value ratio of the two currencies.
Representative, credit, and fiat money all provide solutions to several limitations of commodity money. Depending on the laws, there may be little or no need to physically transport the money — an electronic exchange may be sufficient. Other types of moneys have as their sole use to be medium of exchange, so their supply is not limited by competing alternate uses. Credit and fiat monies can be created without limit in theory, so there is no limit on trade volumes.
Fiat money, if physically represented in the form of currency (paper or coins) can be easily damaged or destroyed. However, here fiat money has an advantage over representative or commodity money, in that the same laws that created the money can also define rules for its replacement in case of damage or destruction. For example, the U.S. government will replace mutilated federal reserve notes (U.S. fiat money) if at least half of the physical note can be reconstructed, or if it can be otherwise proven to have been destroyed.[9] By contrast, commodity money which has been destroyed or lost is gone.
Paper currency is especially vulnerable to everyday hazards: from fire, water, termites, and simple wear and tear. Currency in the form of minted coins is more durable but a significant portion is simply lost in everyday use. In order to reduce replacement costs, many countries are converting to plastic currency. For example, Mexico has changed its twenty and fifty peso notes, Singapore its $2, $5, $10 and $50 bills, Malaysia with RM5 bill, and Australia and New Zealand their $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 to plastic, both for the increased durability and because plastic may be easily specifically constructed for each denomination, thus making it impossible for counterfeiters to "lift" or raise the value of a bill by using the material of a bill of lesser value as a primary source to make a counterfeit note of higher value.
Some of the benefits of fiat money can be a double-edged sword. For example, if the amount of money in active circulation outstrips the available goods and services for sale, the effect can be inflationary. This can easily happen if governments print money without attention to the level of economic activity, or if successful counterfeiters flourish.
A criticism of credit and fiat moneys relates to the fact that their stabilities are highly dependent on the stability of the legal system backing the currency: should the legal system fail, so will the value of any type of money that depends on it. However, this situation is typical of the maintenance of the value of any promisory note system: if a guarantor creates money or wealth by means of any legal promise to provide goods or services in the future (as is the case with both credit and fiat type moneys), then any failure of a legal system which backs up the rights of the debt-holder to collect on the promise, will act to jeopardize the value of future promises.

Money supply
Main article: Money supply
The money supply is the amount of money within a specific economy available for purchasing goods or services. The supply in the US is usually considered as four escalating categories M0, M1, M2 and M3. The categories grow in size with M3 representing all forms of money (including credit) and M0 being just base money (coins, bills, and central bank deposits). M0 is also money that can satisfy private banks' reserve requirements. In the US, the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the money supply, while in the Euro area the respective institution is the European Central Bank. Other central banks with significant impact on global finances are the Bank of Japan, People's Bank of China and the Bank of England.
When gold is used as money, the money supply can grow in either of two ways. First, the money supply can increase as the amount of gold increases by new gold mining at about 2% per year, but it can also increase more during periods of gold rushes and discoveries, such as when Columbus discovered the new world and brought gold back to Spain, or when gold was discovered in California in 1848. This kind of increase helps debtors, and causes inflation, as the value of gold goes down. Second, the money supply can increase when the value of gold goes up. This kind of increase in the value of gold helps savers and creditors and is called deflation, where items for sale are less expensive in terms of gold. Deflation was the more typical situation for over a century when gold and credit money backed by gold were used as money in the US from 1792 to 1913.

Monetary policy
Main article: Monetary policy
Monetary policy is the process by which a government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the money supply to achieve specific goals. Usually the goal of monetary policy is to accommodate economic growth in an environment of stable prices. For example, it is clearly stated in the Federal Reserve Act that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee should seek “to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.”[10]
A failed monetary policy can have significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society that depends on it. These include hyperinflation, stagflation, recession, high unemployment, shortages of imported goods, inability to export goods, and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy. This happened in Russia, for instance, after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy. Some of the tools used to control the money supply include:
changing the rate at which the government loans or borrows money
currency purchases or sales
increasing or lowering government borrowing
increasing or lowering government spending
manipulation of exchange rates
raising or lowering bank reserve requirements
regulation or prohibition of private currencies
taxation or tax breaks on imports or exports of capital into a country
For many years much of monetary policy was influenced by an economic theory known as monetarism. Monetarism is an economic theory which argues that management of the money supply should be the primary means of regulating economic activity. The stability of the demand for money prior to the 1980s was a key finding of Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz[11] supported by the work of David Laidler[12], and many others.
The nature of the demand for money changed during the 1980s owing to technical, institutional, and legal factors and the influence of monetarism has since decreased.

History of money
Main article: History of money

Himba woman covered with a traditional ochre pigment
The use of barter like methods may date back to at least 100,000 years ago. Trading in red ochre is attested in Swaziland, shell jewellery in the form of strung beads also dates back to this period, and had the basic attributes needed of commodity money. To organize production and to distribute goods and services among their populations, before market economies existed, people relied on tradition, top-down command, or community cooperation. Relations of reciprocity, and/or redistribution, substituted for market exchange.[citation needed]
The Shekel referred to an ancient unit of weight and currency. The first usage of the term came from Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC. and referred to a specific mass of barley which related other values in a metric such as silver, bronze, copper etc. A barley/shekel was originally both a unit of currency and a unit of weight... just as the British Pound was originally a unit denominating a one pound mass of silver.[citation needed]

A 640 BC one-third stater coin from Lydia, shown larger.
According to Herodotus, and most modern scholars, the Lydians were the first people to introduce the use of gold and silver coin.[13] It is thought that these first stamped coins were minted around 650-600 BC.[14] A stater coin was made in the stater (trite) denomination. To complement the stater, fractions were made: the trite (third), the hekte (sixth), and so forth in lower denominations.
The name of Croesus of Lydia became synonymous with wealth in antiquity. Sardis was renowned as a beautiful city. Around 550 BC, Croesus contributed money for the construction of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.
The first banknotes were used in China in the 7th century, and the first in Europe issued by Stockholms Banco in 1661.



Get Paid to Take Surveys

How Paid Surveys Work:
The paid survey process is fairly straightforward. You sign up with a paid survey site, and complete a member profile. Then, they send you an e-mail any time they have a survey that matches your profile. A typical e-mail invitation will include an estimate of how long the survey will take to complete, specify how you'll be compensated for your time (if you qualify), and provide a link to the survey. Expect to spend 15-20 minutes per survey on average.
Payment for Surveys:
Payment for surveys can vary widely from site to site and from survey to survey. Expect to be compensated one of three ways: with cash (anywhere from $1 to $50 per survey), with points that can be redeemed for prizes, or with sweepstakes entries. In some instances you may also be rewarded with new products to try.
How to Avoid Survey Scams:
While there are a lot of reputable survey sites on the web, there are also a lot of not-so-reputable sites. Avoid any survey site that:
Requires you to pay a membership fee
Guarantees you a set income
Does not make clear how you'll be rewarded for your participation
Asks for too much personal information – you shouldn't have to give out your Social Security Number, credit card number or your bank account information
Does not post a privacy policy
Sells member information to third parties
Where to Find Reputable Survey Companies:
While a simple web search for "paid surveys" will turn up lots of opportunities, it won't necessarily turn up the most reputable opportunities. For that, it's best to trust the opinion of experienced survey-takers. Here's where to find them:
SurveyPolice- This website allows survey-takers to rate survey sites across a range of criterion: speed of payment, reliability of website (doesn't crash during surveys), quality of customer service, recruiting practices, adherence to privacy standards, etc. It then uses this data to rank the sites, and posts the top 10 survey sites on its homepage. SurveyPolice also allows users to file complaints against survey sites, and attempts to remedy them.
Volition- This widely respected website provides a database of "the best" paid survey sites based on pay and other criteria.
The Frugal Living Forum- See which survey sites other Frugal Living readers recommend.
Tips to Maximize Your Survey Earnings:
1. Sign up for several survey sites to increase your chance of getting surveys.2. Respond to survey invitations promptly – space usually fills up fast3. Keep your profile up to date. It's used to determine which surveys you qualify for.
Disclaimer: Since this article is about surveys, you are likely to see ads for survey sites featured on page. Do not assume these companies are legitimate, without first researching them.
More Ways to Earn Extra Income:
How to Become a Mystery ShopperSell Items on Consignment
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Erin HuffstetlerFrugal Living Guide
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12 Easy Ways to Increase Your Income

Looking for ways to earn extra money? Then, consider these ideas:
Sell Things You No Longer NeedAre things that you no longer need or use cluttering up your home? Then, turn them into cash. Sell any items of value on Ebay, in the newpaper classifieds or at a consignment store. Then, have a yard sale to sell the rest.
Get Paid for Your Time Online
Did you know that there are companies that will pay you to read e-mails, to do web searches and to complete other online activities? It's true. Sign up with several of them, and get paid for the time that you spend online. Check out Volition.com for a list of companies to consider.
Get Paid to Take Surveys
Turn your opinions into cash by answering online surveys. Just sign up with several survey sites, and wait for the survey invitations to roll in.
Get Paid to Take Surveys
Have Your Car Wrapped
Do you spend a lot of time on the road? Then, consider turning your car into a rolling billboard. Many companies – big and small – are willing to pay to have your car "wrapped" with their advertisements.
Car Wrapping – Have Your Car Wrapped for Profit
Earn Money from Hobbies
Hobbies usually cost money, but that doesn't have to be the case. Find ways to turn your favorite pasttime into a source of income, and enjoy playing for profit.
Ways to Earn Money from Your Hobbies
Bank for Profit
Many banks – on and offline – offer cash incentives for opening a new account (anywhere from $25 to over $100). Take advantage of these offers, and turn banking into a more lucrative experience.
Have knowledge that you'd like to share with the world? Then set up a blog, and put in the work to monetize it.
Directory of Advertising Opportunities for Bloggers
Earn Money Through Advertisements on Your Blog
How to Earn Money from Your Blog (Other Than Using Ads)
Get a Paper Route
Paper routes aren't just for kids with bicycles any more. If you have a reliable vehicle and a need or desire to boost your income by several hundred dollars a week, a newspaper route could be the answer. Talk to your local newspaper to find out what routes they have available in the area.
Are you a math whiz? A grammar pro? A chemistry master? Then, become a tutor, and transform your knowledge into a paycheck. Just advertise where parents are likely to look – on campuses, at the library, in the newspaper – and you'll soon build a list of clients.
Deliver Phone Books
Someone's got to deliver all those phone books, and it may as well be you. Contact your local phone company to find out what you need to do to apply for the job. Then, hussle those books from door to door for some extra green.
Note: Often phone companies will place an insert in with your phone bill to announce their need for deliverers. Keep an eye out for this advertisement, and act quickly when you see it.
Become a Mystery Shopper
Like to shop? Yep, you can get paid to do that too. Sign up to become a mystery shopper, and turn your trips to the mall into a source of income.
How to Become a Mystery Shopper
Your trash can or cluttered garage could be yet another source for money. Aluminum, steel and many other materials can be recycled for profit – now, that's good news for your bank account and the environment.
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Frugal Living Worksheets
Build-a-Budget WorksheetCalculate Your Debt LoadMore Frugal Living Worksheets
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Erin HuffstetlerFrugal Living Guide
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